Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Remember Us?

Lots has been going on. Busy, busy, busy!!! Here are a few snapshots of our life during the past 3 months!!!Going to the park. Notice the future race car driver?

Going to Wild Things Farm & Pumpkin Patch.
Riding the carousel at the Fair.
Going with Dan & good friends to see Dave Matthews Band in Tulsa. (my 5th time to see them!)

I promise to be a better blogger in the future!!!! Our love to all!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy 70th!

Happy 70th Birthday to my Mom! She's a super-spry MeMaw, who still works because she wants to, loves taking care of Joe on Friday nights, is a great helper at our church & never passes up a shopping trip! We love you, Mom!

Here's the birthday girl herself! I think she totally doesn't look 70 at all!!
Joe was happy to help his MeMaw unwrap her gift...a "Shabby Chic" bathroom shelf.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!! I love you!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random Pictures!


A Man & His Chainsaw

New Swimming Pool

Fun with Mirrors

Our New House!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moving is Hard Work

As most of you know, we've spent the last week moving. It was hard to leave that sweet little bungalow, but we'd just outgrown our space there. So now we've got a great brick home that's big enough for all of us and perhaps more (someday?). :) I'll post some pics soon of all we've been doing in the house. We've been without internet until today, and blogging from my phone was NOT an option. I may be techno-savvy, but I'm sure as heck not that techno-genius! Check back soon!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Vacation

Hello All! We took off last Tuesday for a last minute getaway to Fairfield Bay Resort on Greer's Ferry Lake. That's about 30 miles north of Conway, AR for those of you not from around here! We went with Dan's parents, brother & our 2 nephews. It was a nice relaxing time, especially needed since we are about to be knee-deep in moving to a new house (more on that in my next post).

Here are a few pics from our little getaway! Enjoy!

The 3 cousins enjoying some vintage Tom & Jerry cartoons via dvd.

These hummingbirds were feeding outside of Blanchard Springs Caverns Guest Center. I counted at least 20. Amazing!

A view from inside the caverns while we were on the "Dripstone Tour." Joe screamed the whole time, btw, since it was past lunch & naptime. Did you know caves are really great echo chambers???Joe & his Mimi playing out behind our condo.

Me & my Grubby!Dan, Ross (my father-in-law) and I went fishing on the lake. We didn't catch much, but I did get a rockin' sunburn! Ahhh, nothing like being out on the water...

Ross, our family fishing guide

Me & the one that didn't get away- a Pumpkinseed. Not too big, but very pretty! However, I think my "guide" is non-plussed. :)

We had a wonderful time and I'm so glad that we went. It will certainly be the only vacation we'll have this year with the impending move! But more on that later....stay tuned!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Dan is a great dad. He is such a wonderful example for Joe and I. We couldn't ask for a more hardworking, diligent, kind, thoughtful or special person in our lives. I miss my dad, and Dan helps me remember those traits of a good father. We love you!!

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summertime Smiles

We have been fulfilling our wishes of being outdoor with Joe whenever possible this summer. Here are a couple of cute photos I've taken recently.

Nothing's more fun than holding a stick while sitting in a tree...

My cutie pie!

Sometimes we can only make it outside to the front porch, but at least we're outside!

I'll post more summer fun pics soon! Hope everyone is having their own summer fun, too!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thanks Jen!!!

My girlie, Jen, who is blog Jedi master, gave me a great blog "facelift". Isn't it cool! Now I'll have to be more diligent in keeping my post up to date. Thanks again, Jen!!! You are awesome. :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Fun

I cannot express how happy Dan & I are to be home with Joe this summer. We have been looking forward to it for months. We already took him to Lake Fort Smith to swim and are also planning to take him camping, to a petting zoo, and to every park in town! Being a teacher rocks!!!! Here are some pics of what Joe's been doing so far.

Blowing Bubbles...
Driving Around...

Playing in the Clubhouse...

More summer pics to come soon!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's Been Going On???

We've been enjoying some family time lately. It's the little things that matter most, you know?
Brusha, Brusha, Brusha!!!

Our family self-portrait. There may be some family resemblance...:)

Joe is already learning by example. Guess we need to talk less on the cell phones in the car from now on!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Here are some shots of our sweet little bungalow. We love this place, and always will. It has always looked best in the springtime.

I do so love a corner lot. It's not for everyone, but it makes us happy.
Our landscaping is 4 years old this summer and finally starting to look mature.

All I can say is, what a heavenly tree. This big old Oak is my pride and joy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

John Deere Green

I don't know who is happier, Dan or Joe, that we now are the proud owners of a John Deere riding lawnmower. Dan loves it's ablilty to cut the lawn in 1/2 the time. Joe loves riding with Dan (without the blades turning & very slowly, of course). As long as they're both happy and I don't have to mow the lawn, that's alright with me! (But I really would like to mow the lawn on it at least once someday...)

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Mother's Creedo

Repeat after me:

I WILL NOT waste money buying new toys, whether they claim to be "educational" or otherwise.

I WILL save all manner of boxes, paper tubes, baskets, etc. because my child prefers playing with them anyway.

I WILL disregard the first sentence upon entering any toy store with my child.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Maiden Voyage

Dan and I took some time for a much needed trip to the woods. We were invited to a party/campout at a good friend's cabin. He has tons of acreage, so we brought our tent. It was the first time we've spent the night in it. Previously we'd only set it up in the backyard and the living room!
Here's a little self-portrait taken beside our campsite.
This is our friend Dave entertaining the crowd with his musical stylings. He was also our host for the evening.

Joe was a little too young to attend the campout this time, but we'll take him next year for sure. However, we are planning on taking him camping with just us as soon as school is out. Now if I can just find an itty bitty sleeping bag...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

Here is Joe when he found his Easter basket. Once he saw it, he ran straight to it. I just loved his Easter outfit this year, and by golly, pouring rain or not, we were wearing it to church!!!
Even though we had to hunt eggs inside, it was still so awesome watching him when he finally saw the eggs. I had to "help" him find their general locale, but then he did the actual finding!

After church (and a quick change of clothes), we went to MeMaw's. The Easter bunny had also visited there, and Joe was happy to find some "bish" in his basket.
At our 3rd stop, Mimi's house, that busy bunny had been there, too! Joe received a carrot golf club, harmonica and a bird whistle. I had to snap a quick picture of him in these bunny ears. He is my biggest blessing!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mother's Little Helper

Joe and I had some fun filling the feeders today. The weather turned beautiful for a change. I didn't think he'd want to carry the feeder all the way across the yard, but he managed pretty well. It only ended up slightly less full than when we started! My boy sure does love being outside. He has just started going to the door and saying "side! side!" And, all heck breaks loose if he sees either Dan or I go outside without him. We have resorted to sneaking outside while he's in the other room!!!