That catches us up for now. I hold high hopes I can be a better blogger from now on! :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bad, Bad Blogger
So now I'm thinking I'm the worst blogger ever! It's been forever since I posted anything...Joe & I have both been sick, school's been busy, and I haven't even had time to upload my photos from my camera to the computer. Oh well, that's life, I guess! Here are some shots from the last month or so.
Joe is an outdoors boy. Cries when someone goes outside without him. Cries when you make him go inside. What can I say...The boy loves sticks and dirt (as he should).
Taking a bath in Mimi's (Dan's Mom) tub. Much bigger than our little tub. Spoiled even while bathing.
Dog! Dog! Joe's word for all furry four-footed creatures. This is Mimi's new puppy, Bella. Note the tiny tennis ball in Joe's hand. It's supposed to be for Bella, not him!
With the wacky Arkansas weather, we've been able to go to the park sporadically. This is Joe and his friend, Miles, playing. Miles' mom, Ellen, was one of my college roommates. I need to get Joe a cute ball cap like that!
That catches us up for now. I hold high hopes I can be a better blogger from now on! :)
That catches us up for now. I hold high hopes I can be a better blogger from now on! :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Snow Day/Sick Day Fun
As everyone around here knows, we were out of school for two days due to inclement weather last week. However, our Joe Harrison was also sick during that time (and the few days before) so either Dan or I would have been off anyway. But we couldn't let Joe miss out on playing in the snow, even if it was only for about 10 minutes.
Dan's inability to do anything but make silly faces when I take pictures is frustrating to me, but at least Joe looks cute!
This outfit was a hand-me-down from my nephew Nash. I had no idea the hood would stick straight up like that. It was hilarious. Joe looked a little like a Teletubbie (if you remember those dreaded children's show characters).
Of course, Jasper the Wonderlab got in on the snow action, too!
Joe Harrison and his momma (who looks a bit deranged because I'm squinting from the sun).
Time for sick little boys to go inside and warm up! Ta-ta for now!!!
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