I am really going to get with this blogging thing. I will be posting more often in 2010. I repeat, I will be posting more often in 2010. (if you say it twice, it makes it more official, right?) Now I KNOW I said that in my last post, but this time is for real!!!
Here are a few snapshots of the latest events in the Griggs's household.
John McCain & Sarah Palin attended our annual Halloween party.

Joe was a "scary" tiger for Halloween.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Joe!

Happy 32nd Birthday, Momma!

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...and it came true!

Joe's favorite present from Santa... a four-wheeler!

Playing in the snow with Daddy.

Thank you, 2009, for being so good to our family. Although there were some sad times, it was overall a really wonderful year for all of us.
2010 HERE WE COME!!!