Sunday, December 21, 2008

Here comes Santa Claus!

Here is a photo of Joe and Santa. He did great! I thought for sure there would be some tears, but with some reassurance from me (aka crazy mom yelling "Yay! Santa!" over and over) plus the jingle bells the photographer shook, he managed a sweet smile. I think he looks so big in this picture...especially compared to last year, when he slept through the whole thing!


  1. WOW! He looks like a GIANT with his little pant legs coming up like that! :) He and Caroline will surely make a good match!

  2. Jasper has been tagged by Molly...check our blog for details...

  3. Ami, I am so excited to see Joe looking so cute!He is such a cutie pie and understand full well why you call him that! He looks so grown up in that picture though!Yikes, I have to get home and see him while he is still little! LOve ya, Angel and Chris
